Preparing for Tests and Exams

Tests can be nerve-wracking, but you can help yourself succeed with a bit of preparation. On top of that, tests help you recognize areas where you’re not as strong. You can work on these areas before they hinder your ability to pick up future concepts. This section contains some techniques to help you prepare for tests, as well as advice about what to do after a test.

Basic Tips

  • Do lots of practice problems. Find example problems in your textbook and other sources, and complete them as practice problems. Create a summary sheet.
  • Make a reference sheet that summarizes the important concepts covered in a chapter or unit. You can use this summary to review for your test.
  • Create a summary sheet and/or a formula sheet. Whenever you encounter a new formula, write it down, including an explanation. This will help you remember what the formula is for, what the variables represent, etc.
  • Fill in knowledge gaps. Math builds on itself, and so you can not move on to the next topic without understanding what came before it.
  • Review your test after it is marked. Look at the errors you made and figure out why you made them. Use the opportunity to clarify areas where you are struggling.
  • Get help if you need it. Seek out a tutor or coach at your college when you don’t understand something or if you are struggling with a problem. Visit the STEM Success Center where math instructors and experienced students are more than happy to work with you on this!

More detailed advice

Tips for Taking Math Tests

  1. Arrive early and with all the materials you will need, e.g. pencils, a calculator, and a ruler.
  2. Read the test instructions and each question carefully before beginning.
  3. Write down any formulas you have been asked to memorize for easy reference.
  4. Note point values for each question. Budget your time and allow yourself more time for questions with higher point values.Do the questions you know how to do first, and go back to the more difficult ones later.
  5. Write neatly and show all your steps. It is important to show how you arrive at your answer.
  6. When possible, check that your answer is reasonable. Does it make sense?
  7. Review your test for any questions you may have missed and check answers if time permits.

Tips for After You Take a Math Test

Because math often builds upon itself, it is important to make sure you understand the material from each unit before moving on to the next. This means you can’t just forget all of the material you learned after the test is over. The material you learn in each unit will be essential to progressing through a math course and moving on to future courses. It is important to go over each test/assessment to solidify the content covered.

After each assessment, make sure you do the following things:

  1. Review your test as soon as possible. If your professor does not hand back tests to keep, schedule an appointment with your professor to view your test.
  2. Classify the types of errors you made.
    • Was it a concept error? A concept error means you did not understand the question or follow the correct steps required to solve the problem. Concept errors are more serious and require that you review the material again and work to understand it. Book time with a tutor or a math coach if needed.
    • Was it a careless error? A careless error means you followed the steps correctly, but you arrived at the wrong answer because you may have read the question incorrectly, copied a number incorrectly, made a sign error, or punched a number into your calculator incorrectly. To avoid this type of error in the future, make sure to check over your work, check that you have copied the question correctly before starting, and double-check your calculations.

Take care of your physical health: You want to be in good health when you take your final exam.

  • Get a proper amount of sleep: staying up too late to study may just wear you down.
  • Get proper physical exercise.
  • Eat properly.
    • Eat a balanced diet.
    • Avoid over-eating: you don't want to feel sluggish while study for or taking your Math final exam.
    • Avoid under-eating: you need energy to study and think clearly.
    • Avoid excessive amounts of sugar and other junk foods.
    • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine, alcohol or other drugs that will impair your capacity to think clearly. 

Take care of your mental health: Final exam time can be stressful, if you don't take care.

  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can cause stress.
  • Get enough exercise: physical exercise can relieve and prevent mental stress.
  • Use relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, visualization, music.
  • Take relaxing study breaks.
  • Develop a support network; this may be family, friends, and/or classmates.
  • Incorporate some recreational activities into your schedule; have some fun!

We understand that some or all of this may be difficult to achieve depending on your situation. The important thing is to do your best with what is available to you and don't be afraid to talk with your teacher or a counselor when you are having problems.

Below is a list of resources available to you.