Math 215

Many students will take Math 15, Statistics, or Math 10, Nature of Mathematics to satisfy their degree requirements.  Beginning in Summer 2019, how and when you can takes these courses have changed.  Please refer to Assessment Services for information on your placement.

Math 15 and Math 215
If you are interested in taking Math 15, you may be required to also enroll in Math 215, Elementary Statistics Concurrent Support.  Math 215 is designed to increase the likelihood of your success in your Statistics course.
Math 15/Math 215 Enrollment
Some of the scheduled Math 15 courses are paired with a Math 215 course and some are not. If you need or want to enroll in a Math 15 with a Math 215 course, you need to take note of which Math 15 courses will allow you to do so.  If you have any questions on this, you can contact your academic councilor or the math department office.

Some facts about how the Math 215 course works:

  1. Every student in your Math 15 course will be enrolled in the same Math 215 course.
  2. If you drop one of these courses, you will be required to drop the other. 
  3. You can pass the Math 215 course even if you do not pass your Math 15 course.

Math 215 students will build the skills that they need in order to be successful in their math classes as well as the rest of their college classes.